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Erectile Dysfunction

GentlePro – for a longer lasting erection


What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Trucare Aesthetic Winnipeg

Erectile dysfunction (ED) means that erection of the male penis does not occur at all, is maintained only briefly, or is not strong enough to allow sexual intercourse.

If one of the above situations is present for more than 4-6 months, this is referred to as erectile dysfunction.

For a long time, it was assumed that most cases of erectile dysfunction have purely psychological causes. Today it is known that physical causes such as age, diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis and vascular anomalies account for more than 2/3 of cases. One out of every three men aged 60 to 70 is affected, for example. Experts assume that the number of men affected is much larger, since this topic is still associated with a great deal of shame.

Acustic radial Shockwaves

With shockwave treatment, it is possible to significantly promote increased perfusion and stimulate the formation of new vascular structures at the same time. The radial shockwaves, which are emitted on the shaft of the penis as well as on the area around the genitals, support the natural stimulation of the area to be treated, particularly in the case of erectile dysfunction due to vascular causes.

Shockwave of ED (Z Wave)

Skip the pills, injections, and surgery. Interested in a painless, less invasive option? Shockwave for erectile dysfunction is a clinically proven treatment that enhances male sexual function, performance, and overall health. Our Z Wave machine delivers low intensity shockwaves, which causes a cascade of events leading to increased blood flow. This treatment can also be used to correct Peyronie’s disease or penile curvature. The shockwaves break down scar tissue (plaque) and increase blood flow, which results in a straighter penile shaft.

A successful form of application for erectile dysfunction

Since the male penis is not a muscle, good perfusion of the corpus cavernosum is extremely important and significantly contributes to the male erection.

With shockwave treatment, it is possible to significantly promote increased perfusion and stimulate the formation of new vascular structures at the same time. The radial shockwaves, which are emitted on the shaft of the penis as well as on the area around the genitals, support the natural stimulation of the area to be treated, particularly in the case of erectile dysfunction due to vascular causes. Even patients with severe erectile dysfunction who are taking so-called PDE-5 inhibitors achieve significantly better therapeutic success.

Depending on the degree of erectile dysfunction, an average of about 5 to 8 treatments are needed to achieve a lasting improvement in the erection. Shockwave therapy takes up to 25 minutes and should be performed 2-3 times per week.

The excellente advantages of shockwave treatement:

  • Non-invasive treatment
  • No downtime
  • Virtually painless application
  • User-friendly application
  • Improvement in the erection
  • More spontaneous sex life
  • No painful prostaglandin injections
  • Currently no adverse effects known
  • Well-tolerated treatment method

Rapid results

In general, 5 to 8 treatments are needed to ensure a successful application. A positive change and a longer or stronger erection is often reported after just the first application.

The application is also virtually painless and has no known adverse effects.

Effects and reaction

  • Longer-lasting erection
  • Improved penile stiffness
  • Promotes the development of new blood vessels (neoangiogenesis)
  • Improved perfusion of the penis
  • Mechanical pulses on the penis
  • Stimulation of the corpus cavernosum of the penis

Increasing men‘s health

Non-invasive treatment
More spontaneous sex life

Erectile Dysfunction Pricing


  • Recommended: 8-10 treatment / 2-3 treatments per week
    Treatment Time: 5-15 min each treatment